Warning signs of heart attack

Coronary artery disease , commonly known as heart disease, is a condition in which cholesterol, calcium, and other fats accumulate in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. This material hardens forming a plaque that blocks blood flow to the heart. When a coronary artery narrows due to plaque buildup or some other cause, the heart muscle is starved for oxygen and a person experiences chest pain known as angina.

Most Common Symptoms

The most common warning symptoms of a heart attack for both men and women are:

1. Chest Discomfort

It’s the most common sign of heart danger. If you have a blocked artery or are having a heart attack, you may feel pain, tightness, or pressure in your chest.

2. Pain that Spreads to the Arm

Another classic heart attack symptom is pain that radiates down the left side of the body.

3.Upper body discomfort

 You may feel pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, shoulders, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach (above the belly button).

4.Shortness of breath

 This may be your only symptom, or it may occur before or along with chest pain or discomfort. It can occur when you are resting or doing a little bit of physical activity.

5. Unusual, excessive sweating

Unusual sweatiness when you haven't been exerting yourself more than usual has only recently been recognized as a sign that frequently precedes heart attacks. In women, it may feel similar to the hot flashes or night sweats typical of menopause.

6.Nausea, stomachache, and indigestion

If you've been battling stomachache, nausea, or indigestion without any obvious cause, you might be mistakenly attributing cardiovascular symptoms to a gastrointestinal problem. 
Other Common Signs and Symptoms
Pay attention to these other possible symptoms of a heart attack:
·         *Breaking out in a cold sweat
·        * Feeling unusually tired for no reason, sometimes for days (especially if you are a woman)
·         *Light-headedness or sudden dizziness
·         *Any sudden, new symptoms or a change in the pattern of symptoms you already have 

Not everyone having a heart attack has typical symptoms. If you've already had a heart attack, your symptoms may not be the same for another one. However, some people may have a pattern of symptoms that recur.


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