Benefits of yoga

Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga is a spiritual, mental, and physical practice that’s been around for centuries. Today, there are several types of yoga that vary in difficulty and speed. Yoga is the most ancient and holistic system for physical, mental and spiritual well-being in the world. This system includes lifestyle practices to help an individual understand his  or her identity and relation to the world. It is a complete lifestyle system that includes exercises, breathing practices, diet and meditation.
Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you probably won’t be able to touch your toes, never mind do a backbend. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible.
Yoga Develops Strength
If you’re looking to increase strength and build lean muscle mass, yoga is a great option. Instead of lifting weights for your strength training, yoga uses your own body weight to help build muscle. By putting your body into various poses where you need to support your own body-weight, it is easy to add to your existing strength with Yoga

Better Sleep
Yoga helps to relax the nervous system, which is the part of your body responsible for a restful sleep. Additionally, yoga’s meditative aspect comes into play to quiet the mind. So if a racing mind is what keeps you from getting a good night’s sleep then performing yoga at any point during the day may offer you some relief.
Builds muscle strength
Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it with flexibility.
Yoga does a few things for the body that result in a boost of energy. For one – a better night’s sleep makes for a more energized day. Second, studies show that some yoga poses adjust the hormone cortisol.
Makes you happier
Feeling sad? Sit in Lotus. Better yet, rise up into a backbend or soar royally into King Dancer Pose. While it’s not as simple as that, one study found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to a significant increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in the levels of monoamine oxidase (an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters) and cortisol.
Better Circulation
With all of the twisting motions and upside down poses, yoga can really get your heart pumping and blood circulating. This means fresh blood and oxygen are delivered to your cells and organs, enhancing their function.

Between lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, and lowering bad cholesterol, it’s no wonder that yoga helps to lower a person’s risk of heart disease. The various poses and deep breaths help the heart do its job, increasing blood flow throughout the body, and improving the entire circulatory system.
Weight Loss
Yoga can help boost your metabolism and build stronger muscles, two things are essential for weight loss. Tip: If you start to eat more whole, organic foods while performing a daily yoga routine you’ll be more likely to see the pounds come off quicker.
Better Memory

Since yoga improves blood flow to the brain, it’s often viewed as a brain-boosting workout. The great brain-boosting pose is padahastasana. It involves bending over so that your head eventually is near your knees with enough practice.


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