10 Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver Damage
The liver is one of the largest organs in your body. It produces enzymes that aid in digestion of food, removes toxins from your body, stores excess nutrients, maintains cholesterol levels, and produces proteins that are required for blood clotting. Some people suffer from liver problems from birth, whereas others may damage their liver through excessive consumption of alcohol, poor diet, or exposure to harmful chemicals released by drugs and tobacco. Viral infections can also damage you liver to a great extent. When your liver is damaged, you will start showing some symptoms, and recognizing those symptoms can help you treat your liver effectively.
One of the earlier signs of possible liver problems include sudden skin changes. This could be a discoloring in the skin that holds a yellowish hue. This could also mean that the fingernails or the tips of the fingers could turn yellow. The reason for this is the liver is not releasing the toxins properly out of the body and bilirubin is beginning to accumulate under the skin.
Liver Damage

2. Bruising
A damaged liver produces fewer of the proteins necessary for blood clotting, which means you may bleed and bruise more easily.
3.Upset Stomach 
You are likely to get nausea and vomiting. They can mimic other diseases, such as migraines, food poisoning, vertigo, motion sickness, early pregnancy, depression and vomiting. It can mimic kidney problems as well. Those who suffer from early liver damage often feel persistently nauseous, because the liver has a decreased ability to rid the body of toxins.
4.   Digestion Problems
The liver is important in digestion because it makes bile that helps the nutrients be better processed and absorbed by the small intestines. If the liver is failing, you can develop an increase in indigestion and diarrhea
Liver Damage

5.Urine and Stool Changes
Some people whose liver is not functioning properly may notice some changes when they go to the bathroom. This could be in their urine. In some cases, urine can become dark in color. Some people may associate this with dehydration but if they are drinking the proper amount of fluids, their urine should be mostly clear. Some patients with early liver problems report that changes in their stools that may be pale, bloody or tar colored.
6. Tiredness
If you experience changes, such as feelings of extreme weakness, tiredness or chronic fatigue, this could also be an early sign of a problem liver. The body is working harder at survival and one of the first responses is to get more rest. If weakness and overall tiredness occurs with other related symptoms, prompt medical attention is recommended.
7. Fatigue
It can be easy to dismiss fatigue and lethargy as a normal side effect of a stressful life, but severe exhaustion could point to low blood oxygen levels and waste accumulation.
Liver Damage

8. Jaundice
Jaundice is a yellow coloration to the skin, tongue, fingertips, and eyes. Jaundice is from an increase in bilirubin in the bloodstream and in the bodily tissue that would normally be excreted in the bile.
Nausea, a disinterest in food, and weight loss are some early symptoms of liver problems. In fact, the initial stages of hepatitis often bring flu-like symptoms, including digestive discomfort.
10.Abdominal Changes

Changes in the abdominal area may provide early indication of liver trouble. This could start off as having a cramping or pain in the lower abdomen. It can quickly turn into a gassy sensation that accompanies pressure.


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